The Deeper Magic of Regular Portfolio & Reel Updates

When I worked in corporate television, one of my favorite bosses—hello, Larry R.!—not only encouraged his team of producers and editors to keep our...

The Sweet Relief of Ultra-Processed Abstinence

Hi, I’m Jaye, and I’m an ultra-processed food addict. "Hi, Jaye." I've been working on healing my relationship with food through diets, personal...

Redefining “The Glow-Up” — My Midlife Journey to Peace

Imagine a world where self-transformation isn’t just a product but a lived, deeply felt experience. Today, I’m sharing my decade-long journey...

Holy Moly, I Was On The Front Page of The Washington Post!

And there's even more to my health story... Disclaimer: I discuss food, weight, intentional weight loss, and my experience with anti-diet culture in... Where Life is Magic and Geekery

Musing & Scribbles

A compilation of all my writings from various platforms, plus featured portfolio items and news updates! 🦄💖🤓

The Fairytale Sessions is HERE!!

The Fairytale Sessions is HERE!!

In case you missed last week’s teaser, the new video is up on YouTube and Spotify!! When I posted this last night, I hadn’t even thought of Daylight...

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