After growing up as a typical Gen-X video game enthusiast in the ‘80s, I picked up a PlayStation controller again in my late forties and am still playing strong in my early fifties. Interestingly, I discovered that the Atari 2600—the console that first sparked my love...
Are you less than a passionate reader if you “only” read one book this year? Let’s unpack the joys and challenges of reading, #booktok, haul culture, and staying true to yourself in a performative, social media-driven world. The Life of a Gen-X...
I started my vlogging adventures in June with books, so naturally, my next vlog just had to be a Halloween entry for Vlogtober! Two of my favorite things are books and Halloween, so it was a natural progression in this great experiment I call “Having a YouTube...
Hello everyone, it’s 2020 Jaye, and now that a year has passed, my opinions about The Reading Rush have greatly changed since 2019, as have my thoughts on how to “do YouTube.” It was a fun first attempt, but greatly unsustainable. 😵 I’ve...